Kathleen Finn Jordan
and Dante Jericho

Dante Jericho
“Let Sleeping Lions Lie”

Inspiration piece

Let Sleeping Lions Lie
By Kathleen Finn Jordan

Handprints in the sunset glow of gloved sand washed caverns
The light plays worldwide while some shadowed in darkness voice their claims
Simultaneously lions rumble through the forests besieged by poachers and the wiles of nature
As sea monsters frolic in the oceans endlessly surging as night falls and tides dance
War rages in some corners of the world while yet in others
The maidens meditatively walk bathed in satin removed from the noise of today and
Focused on the realities that lie beyond the eye
Do not interfere as Lions slumber and chaos reigns
Tread carefully on the brink of roiling seas and sand washed rock that have seen
The comings and goings of countless others
Tread softly in love and peace eyes cast somewhere else
Heads wrapped firmly in the veils of time
Peer from afar, judge from a distance
Carve out your response in tune with your own karma
Protest with your megaphone alight, peer from afar and analyze
Speak your own truth in your own way
Work your destiny into the rocks of your own caves
Remembering that activists and peace keepers tread in the same caverns
Next the same rolling tides, leaving similar handprints
Minds and spirits differently focused
But all hoping for some better good, some lighter tomorrow
Let sleeping lions lie and awaken yourself before entering the fray.



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