Lisa Nielsen and Jay Young Gerard

Jay Gerard Young


Everywhere I Walk

acrylic, charcoal and graphite

Lisa Nielsen


The Lonely Road is Everywhere I Walk

Like flavored lip gloss and southern comfort,
you bring back decades that have expired.
I still can’t shake off high school when it comes to love, pockets
of clumsy ecstatic innocence and I’m grateful.

I take up residence on the kitchen floor,
intoxicated by chili pepper vapors.
I announce my affirmation 3x on the hour;
“No matter what you will be ok”

A fist grabs for my belly button from the inside.
I tell you I love you
And that it doesn’t really matter
I won’t be staying

Needles. Numbness. The ramifications of not feeling anything.
Counting the popcorn grooves in the ceiling,
wishing love was as simple as breath. Instead
I’ve got icicles in my throat and a song that keeps skipping
“baby, I’m gonna lose you, lose you lose you lose you…”

You can’t hope for a resurrection without being willing to die
(We will meet again, so I’ve heard)

I carry a permanent flinch.
Belt buckles, shoes and open palms have
all left the same bruise.
I’ll say my peace, and like a prayer

the lyrics will echo begging


Note: All of the art, writing, and music on this site belongs to the person who created it. Copying or republishing anything you see here without express and written permission from the author or artist is strictly prohibited.