Lisa Kilhefner
So I Am a Woman
By Terah Van Dusen
Inspiration piece
So I am a woman
occupying a square
a circle a triangle
a rectangle a glob
of space
of air
of spit
or moisture
of particles
and earth matter
beneath and above
and all around me
I like this space
I take this space
for granted
I rarely look up
at all that wiggle-
room above my head
I rarely jump,
but I should
I forget that
is not something
everyone has
I neglect to be thankful
for what I can control,
for what I do possess
Instead I go to extremes
trying to control things
way way wayyyyyyyy
maybe even up in
someone else’s space
Today was sad but
stupid-sad like,
like running late
to work though
not really late
just the type
that’s like
Oh I can’t take a
hot cup of coffee
with me
I can’t change my
scarf or my skirt late
like Poor me whaddami
gonna do without
my hot coffee
my perfectly
selected shoes
So I get in my car
and take a quickdeep
I say to myself
I’ve got my health,
among other things
I’ve got my s p a c e
and I start to list those
things for which I’m thankful for:
Thankful the windshield
isn’t frozen over
Thankful for a
heated leather seat
Gosh, how much do I
really need?
Thankful the customers don’t
come in til nine
and only because I want
to clear my mind
Thankful I have a job!
and one that I like!
Thankful we made love last night
Thankful for the space to think
it all over
the solitude
of being young
and childless
and grandchildless
and great-grandchildless
though I hope for those things too,
for now I am Daughter
I am a woman
occupying a square
a circle a triangle
a rectangle a glob
of space
of air
of spit
or moisture
of particles
and earth matter
beneath and above
and all around me
I take this space
for granted
I rarely look up
at all that wiggle-
room above my head
I rarely jump,
but I should
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