Tisha Carter
Inspiration Piece
Beach Girl
by Donna JT Smith
ocean giggles
as she wiggles
gnarled stick
at waves that lick
her toes, and splash
her words, and crash
so near
can’t hear
she blows a kiss
I toss a wink
my sand-haired miss
grown in a blink…
I linger near
finger the clear
and froth of sea
and think…
will I remember?
before the tide
and sands of time
all trace
pen in hand
I squiggle
no wave-tossed
adrift at sea –
these memories
belong to me.
Note: All of the art, writing and music on this site belongs to the person who created it. Copying or republishing anything you see here without express and written permission from the author or artist is strictly prohibited.
Does Tisha know you, Donna? The photo is literally your own backyard! Nice response.
Hmm. Thought I’d responded to this, but don’t see anything yet.
No, I don’t know Tish. She is across a continent and and ocean away from me! But I was so happy to see a “familiar face” – or “place”!