MM Panas
“Pink Snow”
Inspiration piece
For Possibilities
By JoAnn Moore
It is December.
The world is snow tipped
with darkness—
especially the northern half—
after all, it is
winter. Songs and tidings
attempt to mollify the deepening dark
with twinkling lights,
holiday sales, flower memorials,
protest marches—the dichotomy
of hope and passion,
though one’s perspective controls the view.
It is remarkable how in winter
or church or politics
or hate, the chorus remains
the same:
…………Change. (but not me)
…………Restrain. (with protection)
…………Believe. (in your God)
…………We need a miracle.
…………Miracles happen.
I want to write a poem
for light and existence,
kindness, acceptance.
Clarity in the fog.
For possibilities,
for peace and pink snow.
If only in a poem.
Note: All of the art, writing, and music on this site belongs to the person who created it. Copying or republishing anything you see here without express and written permission from the author or artist is strictly prohibited.
One Comment
I must comment on this: I lived in Portland, Oregon with a 40′ tall cherry tree in our backyard. One of the many joys of that home was waking on that certain day in May each year and looking out the windows to find that it had snowed pink! The blossoms had fallen and coated our backyard in their delicate wonder. It didn’t last long, but it didn’t have to. The magic was instantaneous, and welcome, and never failed to arrive. That’s how we knew it was Spring. It didn’t even matter that the dear old tree no longer bore fruit. The pink snow was plenty.