KJ Hannah Greenberg
and Madona Tyler LeBlanc

Madona Tyler LeBlanc
“Vote. Fight.”
Collage and watercolor
Inspiration Piece

By KJ Hannah Greenberg

In circumambulating ideas, folks tend toward imagining, actually conceiving

Bits and bobs that cleek outliers such that that some sodden, eager snatchers

Ratify otherwise unheard of duties.


While the ethical dimension of human rights has curried attention, more recently,

Little discussion has ensued per means to parsimoniously grapple with unwanted,

Prejudicial legislation.


Most semantic screening challenges no epistemologies, instead, historicity seeps,

Sloughs, otherwise overflows as a result of false freedoms. The majority of folks

Don’t grasp human behavior.


So, constitutional amendments notwithstanding, basic truths capable of impacting

Identities, ideologies & our power of invention remain phantasms, never verities.

Absolutism still stifles pluralism.


There’s no utility in avoiding referential problems inherent in cognitive practices’

Particulars, in skipping support for actions, or in embracing exclusive “universals.”

Objectivity will forever rot.


Note: All of the art, writing, and music on this site belongs to the person who created it. Copying or republishing anything you see here without express and written permission from the author or artist is strictly prohibited.