Rusty Lynn
The Great Spirit Is Everywhere
Inspiration piece
After Accretion
By Leslie Grollman
Little Rover beeps to himself in Middle C
Or is it a curse-word programmed to give him dissatisfaction
at the bumpy ride he can’t feel,
or is it humanness
like the time he beeped when he set down on the planet: A Minor for awe.
Difficult terrain, here
Odd-sized boulders no smaller than a ten-year-old’s head
…And just as stubborn
Crevices creep up between some of them
…Like a calving glacier
The scope of scarp, so so far
Little Rover knows only to go there
The where’s are in his coding
He keeps his word
Keeps his samples secure
His photos clear.
He has no programming for the pictographs he sees
We know them by these names:
Bodies Mountains Turtles
Horses Waves (or are they birds?)
……Trees (Or cornstalks begging
………………a sun)
No name for the circle in the center,
………..with four protrusions,
………one facing north, one to the south
………one east, one west
Little Rover rolls forward, backward, round and back
again, beeping all over the musical scales
Then he stops
Then he sings, a bold voice clear as a camera lens
On earth, we gape
Some think it clever of the programmer (who insisted
she didn’t) to encode him with the song he sang.
We watched him,
………………… like a birth.
Note: All of the art, writing, and music on this site belongs to the person who created it. Copying or republishing anything you see here without express and written permission from the author or artist is strictly prohibited.