Bianca Schrader
and Jone Rush MacCulloch


Jone Rush MacCulloch
Inspiration piece

By Bianca Schrader

There’s many different ways to be,
stand out in a crowd, be as still as a tree.
No longer burdened, now I am free,
to seek and find, explore and see.
There’s so much love that’s been waiting for me.

Many portals I have peaked through,
glowing doors of infinite potential.
Altars set in golden hue
posing questions existential
always keep an open mind, a lens through which to view.

I am patchwork of those I love most.
Moments beautiful and true.
Healing windows to my heart space
Finally, a sense of belonging, from childhood overdue.

It’s always all happening, heartache to ecstasy.
I know it’s for my healing, I welcome all that comes to me.
Breath by breath discovery
of perfectly imperfect
(w)holy human. Blessed Be.

Note: All of the art, writing, and music on this site belongs to the person who created it. Copying or republishing anything you see here without express and written permission from the author or artist is strictly prohibited.


One Comment

  1. Posted March 7, 2023 at 9:43 am | #

    Stunning art, Jone – the muted tones evoke such a deep nostalgia.
    Bianca- a gorgeous poem that is melancholy and hopeful, and beautifully spiritual.