Manny Beltran
Sea Watcher
Inspiration Piece
Lost and at Sea
By Annmarie Lockhart
The waves bring in the tide
and its relics, sea glass
and starfish, the same way
it took first you, then him,
You sailed the day
I placed your hand
at the center of me
and you smiled.
That touch, light
and long, lingered
hot on my skin
in my dreams.
Three weeks after you were
to return, word came of the
storm and the wreck.
I was left
to bear the tear tide
the bloodstorm
that tore the boy,
the clot, from me.
I wrapped him in white
and waded to the
black-edged rock
and left him there
with a touch, a kiss.
I sat and watched as
the sea lapped the rock
and gathered him up
and lulled him to sleep
with his father.
I wonder when it
will come for me.
Note: All of the art, writing, and music on this site belongs to the person who created it. Copying or republishing anything you see here without express and written permission from the author or artist is strictly prohibited.
One Comment
This work is awesome. I love the painting and the poem.