Dale Leffler and Rosemary Luckett

Rosemary Luckett

Inspiration Piece

By Dale Leffler


I was held in your loving eyes at the very beginning, my genesis.
I was watched over as I developed, failed, fallen and hurt.
I was lifted up, soothed, my tears wiped away and encouraged to move forward.
Yes, I was left alone, my pleas went unheard, I felt abandoned, diminished and unworthy of being loved.

I over compensated as many adolescents do.
I became extreme in my sensitivity and embraced rebellion.
I only wore black to morn and yet love persisted.
I was held, fondled, lusted and busted.
I cheated and was cheated on, love was a lie we both lived.

From this came the gift, a child who would not, could not, and should not even try
to make it work.
I held him in my heart, he held onto my finger and I began to heal.
I kept holding him, loving him and saw him loving me, teaching me,
what love is.
I had authentic love.

We found each other looking elsewhere, dated a few times.
The invitation was spoken, we held each other often,
we made promises, and cared for each other’s kids.
We shared our lives and struggles, we held on tight.
Sometimes too tight to meet our needs.
We struggled to not strangle, to please, not placate.
We pushed pass illness all the while holding to dreams named future.

We rode the open rode on two wheels, I was held in your loving arms.
Down south, up north, even out west, babies everywhere to be held.
We gazed into helpless pleading eyes, supported stubby wobbly legs that take tentative first steps.
Once more we filled the empty big house with toys just for the weekend.
When they all are gone, held are the memories, as we enjoy the quiet.
Embraced in the stillness and solitude, we know we are held in



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