Charisse Cecil
Oil, 8 x 10 inches
Inspiration Piece
By Lizzie Parker
We learned first to back float
And stare blindly at the skies,
To tread water and hold our breath
Just in case.
They taught these lessons well;
How to be – survive – exist.
So here we live,
Between coasts and
Carried back and forth by currents
That tease us with solid ground.
They did not teach us forward strokes
Or how to use our soles.
Lessons on these things
Are for the paid-up.
A price was paid.
They have paid a price.
We are paying…
but the balance due?
Figures are not kept counted.
They do not/want to/know that the current total of red(gold ∙ green) is far too much.
They only taught us to float,
Tread water,
Hold our breath,
And wait for Mercy.
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