Nicole Harper
Sonia and Dog Still Life
Inspiration piece
Red Sea
By Marla Deschenes
We watched them born into the time of oceans of oil
And hoped dolphins might exist past our old age.
Soft, the swirling light of music beckons
Huddled together in our safest spot
Free from the world.
I only ever wanted to spend that time with you
The time of wine without glasses
When the dog watched us with amusement
And the summer owned us
Wrapped in our stickiest skin.
Did we forget what it meant to be young?
We laugh at the notion of maturity
Reserved for those untouched by art
Who have forgotten the concept
That this art is our life.
We are young in mind and spirit,
We still sleep with feet intertwined.
Shunning the hatred of frivolity
Giving gifts recycled from our creativity
Long thought lost under summer haze.
A perfect frozen moment in time
A snapshot of the time the angels sat
And listened to our passion with satisfaction.
You wore your favorite hat and I
I chose only to remember
The time
You made my world turn red.
Note: All of the art, writing, and music on this site belongs to the person who created it. Copying or republishing anything you see here without express and written permission from the author or artist is strictly prohibited.
One Comment
This pairing really comes to life for me. Well done!