Annie Gedicks
By Elizabeth (Betsy) Wexler
Inspiration piece
The pieces, they fall away
Sometimes so slowly and quietly I don’t even notice until many are gone
I see the big gaping holes where they once were
And then I wonder: how I could have missed the falling
Sometimes, though
They are seemingly ripped from me
Torn out in chunks, in what feels like cruelty
But what is, in reality, a gift
How can something so healing
Feel like a robbery?
How can something so necessary
Be so rife with pain that I wonder if I will come out the other side?
And soon, new pieces appear
Fresh, brighter colors…softer texture
Brand new, or so it feels
And each time, I promise myself I’ll remember the next time
The next time the chunks feel torn away from me
But I don’t.
I forget. I get angry and scared and try to keep those old rough, faded pieces
I fear, in that moment, that it’s all I have.
I forget, in that moment, that once….those old pieces were bright and soft and new
I am trying to learn to remember, and trust
That whatever pieces I need, at any given time, are within me.
Note: All of the art, writing, and music on this site belongs to the person who created it. Copying or republishing anything you see here without express and written permission from the author or artist is strictly prohibited.