Delores Ekberg
High plains drifter
By Doug Pugh
Inspiration piece
Face to face
on a high col
nothing here except
space, wind whipped grasses
I could see
in his eyes
my reflection
until he stamped, snorted
for attention
a whinny that said
look again
drowning beyond my narcissism
plunging to his depths
i fell
into the thunder
beneath blue skies
a remuda charging breathless
over sweeping ranges
a bond between hooves
and mountain
the lariat dropped from my hands
this was not a horse
to rope, to bind
this was the spirit
of us all
a parting snicker
flash of tossed mane
the ring of hooves on stone
and the whip of care free tail
left me with a fleeting second
a touch
a lurch
a moment in my heart
where i was truly wild
and was the better for it