Blade for Blade
Cat Ross, response piece
Douglas Pugh, inspiration piece
it is the fold of walls,
straight-backed, lined in assemblage
there will be mumbled prayers, words
that mean nothing – threaded onto young tongues
and before the bell rings, before the etch
of chalk onto blackboards – that are green
somebody tall and stern will stand at a lectern
tell you news – that isn’t
outline plans – that may not happen
inspire you – with a branded motto, words that don’t reach his eyes, his belief
and all I see
is the fold of walls, glass
cold, imprisoning
while my mind wants to know
what is / really / out there
beyond the fence
of doctrine, correctness and the wire strands
of yesterday’s opinion
but school is no place for a requiem
even when they bury today
One Comment
I love how this was birthed from the picture, and how the picture draws you in like the poetry…how they intertwine, even after you leave, and come back for more…