Elizabeth Stelling andChristina Brockett

Christina Brockett
Inspiration Piece

If I Take the Wings of the New Morning
By Elizabeth Stelling

I know we said no one would leave this place, until we were ready, but I took a new path where the new grasses grow. I wanted to feel warm waters once more, feel the soft waves rush up against my body, and to feel it splash playfully about. It was not long before my body ached to feel the hot afternoon sun. To feel its burning presence on every inch of me.

Time has grown short
The winds have begun to howl
Pelting sands of September
Are rising up
Leaving their mark

My curiosity, my need to fly, took me further than the eyes could see. I began to question why we never traveled further. We should have. Maybe like a schooner we could soar over waves, travel in and out of the islands, and crush our fears on the rocks and sand. Foothills, dunes, and growing needs called me to hike up and down a few places not familiar.

Grow their strength
From the moon
Her, from the pull
Of endless connection
A fickle outstretched hand

Every time I came across a bonfire, my thoughts came back to you. There is a flame in your eyes. I could see you dancing. Your body diving in and out of the sparks, as the music played. You were like a falling star, as a guitar and a few drums sounded out a rhythm, we both felt through our bones. I would stand for a moment, feel the wind off the water, and become entranced.

Moves up in white
Dancing off treetops
Madness may rest now
Hope for what may pass
Life beyond the ocean

Pushing on, often from hunger, I found myself back at the beginning. Today under a gray sky, I waited by the fence, as clouds rolled in, bringing their down pour. We missed the sunrise. I remember your favorite place to perch, up near the top. You know just under the stairs, where we could take cover. I make my way up to look, but you had not come to met me. Instinct tells me you may never return.

Has left me
Barren of my children
Only cold kisses, and
Clinging grasses
Are keeping loneliness at bay


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