Inspiration Piece: Blue Ridge by Lauren Flax
Response: Sophia’s Lament by Linda M. Rhinehart Neas
At the first Light, you appeared –
Bearer of the Morning Star –
The Heavens were resplendent
In golden rays and white ether.
If only we stopped there, you and I,
Things might have been different.
But, I pushed on through Creation
Until you fell into Darkness, cursed.
Now, as Morning rises out of Night
As humans struggle to find Me,
Missing the Angels sent to enlighten,
Your name lies heavy on their lips.
Why was your love so exclusive?
Was loving my mirror images so difficult?
Did you think I could save you from yourself?
Note: All of the art, writing, and music on this site belongs to the person who created it. Copying or republishing anything you see here without express and written permission from the author or artist is strictly prohibited.
Beautiful…’Your name lies heavy on their lips’, reminds me of the mist and dew of the early morning.
My sister Linda Rhinehart never ceases to amaze me. She is a multi-talented woman and I am very proud of her; as I know Mom & Dad are looking down from the heavens. Love you sis, Patty
Linda, a thought-provoking piece. I really like that I was surprised by the direction that you went in after viewing the beautiful inspiration piece. The last line is my favorite. Excellent work!
Thanks, everyone! I enjoyed this challenge, completely! I look forward to participating in other SPARK challenges and working with other amazing artists.
My heartfelt thanks to Lauren for the inspiration. Your photo is just awesome!
Amazing as always….! Gave me chills. xo
Thanks, Reenie, for your kind comments. Hugs, Linda