Inspiration Piece: Sukia
Response: Lovemaking at 45, by Lauren Tivey
In a stark bathroom light, you notice
the haggard gaze; you study lines, pluck
stray hairs, cold-cream dark circles.
You enter your bedroom, drape
the sagging with a quantity of lace,
swathe a full belly in shimmering cloth,
camouflage cellulite, a double chin,
with the soothing friendship of candlelight.
Though you hide everything, instead see:
the soft plumage of your hair, ripened
cleavage, glossed lips. See your
welcoming face, perfumed body
presented like a feast among the sheets.
Let your lover be lost in you, in comfortable
thighs, a skilled embrace. Forget your best
side, your scars, your fear, and forgive
your vanity; there are worse things
than wanting to be desired.