Brian MacDonald
Paul Hunter
Inspiration piece
Whenever Archangels are slumming,
they like to play Jazz.
Gabriel, of course, plays trumpet
and Michael plays saxophone.
Raphael plays bass,
And Uriel plays the drums.
I guess back in the old days,
Lucifer used to play keyboard with them.
He played a mean stride piano, way back when.
Now, he just plays old standards in a seedy little joint
Down the road a bit. With his hair slicked back, he spends his
Evenings buying drinks for all the pretty girls,
Between sets. They never go home with him, though.
Sometimes when it’s late, and it’s only regulars in the club,
when everybody’s feeling warm and happy,
And Jesus says drinks are on him,
Then the Virgin Mary will join them for a bit.
She’ll sing a couple little numbers,
While the Cherubim and Seraphim do the Lindy hop.
Sometimes, Jesus even plays guitar.
“Now there’s a man” Says Moses to Elijah
“Who knows how to play the blues.”
Note: All of the art, writing, and music on this site belongs to the person who created it. Copying or republishing anything you see here without express and written permission from the author or artist is strictly prohibited.
what a jam session!
Spot on. The next cruet is on me!