Lené Gary and Marla Deschenes

Lené Gary, Route 2


For the Love of Trees
By Marla Deschenes

Inspiration piece


My mind cannot comprehend how so many people deny the earth its power

Thinking that we creatures of water and bone

Hold more importance than these silent trees

Who humble me in my nightly walks

With their majestic presence.

Looking up through those wooden arms stretched to spindly fingertips

Until my head can go no farther back

A seemingly endless climb straight to the sky

Surrounded by the embrace of winter’s still leafless branches.

I step over the broken glass

The candy wrappers and the bottle caps

To touch the roughened skin of the being

Who has stood in this spot for the ages

Watching endless streams of children

Cross the fields and playground

To the school building nestled safely

Amongst the tallest oaks and pines.

I send my thanks to you, my beloved trees

With your roots that hold the earth in place

That endless holding down the of the dirt

That we will once again become.

We will meet again in another realm

The thankless removed from the love of the equation

Where we will speak the language of the grass

And the dust that was once my bones

Will cradle your roots

Grasping strong with my hands that no longer exist

No more water and bone

But reverence for your patience

And for the air you sought to purify even for my last lingering breath.



Note: All of the art, writing, and music on this site belongs to the person who created it. Copying or republishing anything you see here without express and written permission from the author or artist is strictly prohibited.
























One Comment

  1. Posted June 9, 2012 at 3:55 pm | #

    beautiful work individually, enhanced by the other