Mari Navarro
Untitled Acrylic Painting, 12″ x12″
Empty Chair
By Kathleen Jordan
Inspiration piece
Chill in the air
Rocking chair silent on the end of the old wooden porch
Grandma gone and the generations of children and adults that
Rocked in times of fun and troubles have moved on
Only in the dark room of memory is Grandma always there
Her ceramic jar of hot baked cookies at her side
Empty now and covered with dust
I push the chair and hear the creak of surprise and hope
And I sit and rock and smile
The emptiness is filled with the singing of the chair and
the dancing of the memories
Note: All of the art, writing, and music on this site belongs to the person who created it. Copying or republishing anything you see here without express and written permission from the author or artist is strictly prohibited.
Great response, Mari. Captures the “memory and the spirit” of the inspiration piece. kj
Nostalgia writ large in the inspiration and a clever use of the very rocking chair material (i.e. wood) in the response. Well done.