Lynne Elizabeth Heiser
For the Love You Know
Mixed Media on Canvas
The Love You Know
By Tim O’Kane
Inspiration piece
There’s no love like new love – the true romantic’s opiate,
Then it’s asses to ashes and lust to dust, but not before you procreate.
Highly regarded pretty toys are soon discarded by witty boys.
No matter how loud the babies cry, silence is still the sound of good-bye.
And it’s one for the progeny,
Two for the beau,
Three to play your roll,
Four for the love you know.
There’s no gold like fool’s gold – cup-shaker, light-walker valentine.
There’s no fool like gold’s fool opines the supine concubine.
The new slave trade is the old slave trade; bodies in motion for money.
The auctioneer’s gavel cracks the air – “Sold to the man in Armani!”
And it’s one for the luxury,
Two for the blow,
Three to sell your hole,
Four for the love you know.
There’s no God like your God – and His smack religious bourgeoisie.
Father forgive me but I can’t stop connecting dots you refuse to see.
Skim the cream off a carpenter’s dream, poster boy for the big money machine,
Pray for love and pray for peace and pray for death to your enemies.
And it’s one for hypocrisy,
Two for the glow,
Three to save your soul,
Four for the love you know.
There’s no love like true love; perfect pitch and timbre clear,
Her solo show so apropos of a love so insincere.
Truth can be hurtful – beauty is painful, but the best songs always get a reprise,
He said “I love you”. She said “What does that mean?
Write it down; keep it under one hundred words please.”
And it’s one for the harmony,
Two for the flow,
Three to make you whole,
Four for the love you know.
And it’s one for the progeny,
Two for the blow,
Three to save your soul,
Four for the love you know.