Oregon Coast – Newport Beach. Photo taken by Pharoah Bolding.
Blaine Klitzke – Double Falcon Summer (Click for MP3)
Inspiration piece
Beach Comber
By Pharoah Bolding
He always enjoyed the beach.
He couldn’t help but find himself immersed in the experience of nature whenever the opportunity to roam the beach arose. The sand between his toes; the moist winds careening in from the sea; the calming serenity of the sunset on the aquatic horizon. To him it was like nirvana. He needed this; he needed to get away from the insanity of the city. He needed this reprieve from smog and congestion and traffic jams and foul-mouthed exchanges. Life had been pretty intense as of late and, well, being on the beach like this was equally refreshing and strengthening. He inhaled a slow and steady dollop of oxygen, reveling in the feel of the fresh ocean air as it traversed his interior before exhaling as slow and steady possible. He decided right then and there that once he was done with his afternoon’s business that he would saunter around this little seaside town and look into a timeshare opportunity. He loved it here. He began to dream of starry nights with luxurious ocean breezes . . . fine wine and long summers . . . freedom from his obligations . . .
. . . then the cold steel his ivory cotton slacks and midnight-toned leather belt held clutched to his abdominal region scratched against his weathered stomach skin.
That brought him right back down to reality.
This was no vacation – and he was no tourist.
The beach was just a setting – a setting for a deadly game. As much as he wanted to immerse himself in it . . .
The beach would have to wait.
He had business to attend to.
Blaine Klitzke
Inspiration Piece
(Please click the link to download – MP3)
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