Lisa Pimental
This Wild and Precious Life
By Julia Rolfe
Inspiration piece
Make messes and beauty
Feel 100 percent human
Begin again and again
End as many times or more
Nestle in the belly of trees to listen for the water pouring down the rocks
Catch the acorns falling from the trees
Collect feathers
Pan the bay for sharks who lived millions of years ago
Hold those teeth in your hands
and swim across the oceans older than we could ever dream to be
Marvel at the heavy-headed sunflower until the rain breaks its stalk
Mourn the loss of its beauty and
Leave the seeds for the ants and the worms
and watch how many seedlings appear in its place
Celebrate the bees resting in the dew under the sunflower’s umbrella
Grow back into the babe
who knew no difference between
breath, heart,
love, & death
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