Tora Estep
“Darkness and Light”
Charcoal, oil paint, and pigment on paper
How to Write a Poem
By Jone Rush MacCulloch
Inspiration piece
Rise before dawn gathering words
Those juicy, succulent images
Aromatic ones which crinkle your nose
returning you to the shadow places.
Those juicy, succulent images
Found in the crevices of remembering
returning you to the shadow places.
Throwing the words into the calypso coral sky
Found in the crevices of remembering
An unexpected arrangement for early morning
Throwing the words into the calypso coral sky
watching them flitter-flutter, landing on prayer flags.
An unexpected arrangement for early morning
Waking before dawn, searching for words,
watching them flitter-flutter, landing on prayer flags
As night watchers slip away
Waking before dawn, searching for words,
Aromatic ones which crinkle your nose
As night watchers slip away
Rise before dawn, gathering words
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