Kirsten Brady and Worthy Evans

Kirsten Brady
Poly Glyphs
14″ x 17″ Graphite on paper

Site Specific
By Worthy Evans

Inspiration piece

Absence would be a way
of cottoning to its significance.
A field photograph
of close-cut wheat, an officer shown
troubling for an aide to bring up
the unknown soldier from the front.

The rest is conjecture: No request
for a smoke or a drink
of hot alcohol from a tin cup.
Here it was, and that was it.
Not a blindfold, not a wall or a pole
to hold a body up against.
In this area where an army happened upon
one day before, a pen was built
to hold livestock
that would otherwise interfere
with the process that armies keep
to ensure their existence.

Not a drum, not a hankie, not an open command to do it.
Just a hand, a trigger, a bullet, a man on his knees.

Not a rope on him, not an awkward speech,
not a declaration of execution, not a signal.

At this place some years ago
a gun fired one round at a downward angle.
A water tower marks the spot
of the execution,
in what is now a tangled wood.



Note: All of the art, writing, and music on this site belongs to the person who created it. Copying or republishing anything you see here without express and written permission from the author or artist is strictly prohibited.

One Comment

  1. Posted October 6, 2017 at 7:29 am | #

    Nails it — a routine execution in the field.
    Bang — we’re dead.