Holly Hinkle and Kathleen Finn Jordan

Holly Hinkle
“Surfing the Internet, Drinking Coffee on a Dreary Rainy Morning”
Oil, 12″ x 12″

Slide Journey
By Kathleen Finn Jordan
Inspiration piece

Slide journey from the tawdry to the transcendental
Waking tired
rain-drenched and
darkness full
A post from Quemigny France of a lush garden
Sheltered me momentarily
Ambushed me dandelion wild into a new present moment
Chopin echoing from Alexa….. I snap photographs
of a happening terrace flower jeweled
in spite of the pounding rains of these days
The grammar of sounds contrapuntal launch a new mood
and – perhaps … a bit of writing
The center of paralysis punctured by bird song.



Note: All of the art, writing, and music on this site belongs to the person who created it. Copying or republishing anything you see here without express and written permission from the author or artist is strictly prohibited.


One Comment

  1. Posted June 2, 2019 at 5:36 pm | #

    These pieces compliment each other beautifully. It’s like a jazzy syncopation. Love it.