Jim Doran and
Cassie Premo Steele

Jim Doran Response Pieces:
Blue Women, Acrylic Paint in sketchbook/illustration board

The test is over. Turn in your pencil. Hand it over.

You get an automatic A for trying. Nothing more to do.

This is just a test
By Cassie Premo Steele

Inspiration Piece

I am the blue woman, the do-woman, the woman so tired

she cannot even look at you. I look instead at the corners

of life, at the bottles and books and things cooked and

uncooked in the strife. Haiti, Michael Jackson, what

happened to John Mayer, that woman without tenure,

adjunct pay, family leave, my husband’s brother who

had a heart operation they need to do over– these things

wake me in the middle of the night. So I start to write.

Pen and ink or a computer, it doesn’t matter, as long

as I am leaving the do-woman behind and becoming

the blue woman, step by step, word by word, time

after time. I once taught a woman how to be in time

instead of on time, and she learned the lesson so well

she left me. This is just a test, I told myself, adrift,

we are all just practicing, no need to get testy, keep

going, don’t let life get to me. And then I stopped.

I looked at you finally. Life always gets to us

eventually. Who am I kidding? We all wake up.

We all take up another breath. Otherwise, we’d all

turn blue. Time to rest, blue woman, you said to me.
Response pieces:
Blue Women, Acrylic Paint in sketchbook/illustration board

The test is over. Turn in your pencil. Hand it over.

You get an automatic A for trying. Nothing more to do.

BlueLady800.jpg (265 KB)

NekkidLadies.jpg (123 KB)

Note: All of the art, writing, and music on this site belongs to the person who created it. Copying or republishing anything you see here without express and written permission from the author or artist is strictly prohibited.