Nicole Harper
By Marla Deschenes
Inspiration piece
Beneath the surface of harmony the dreamers sleep,
This is when I come alive.
The darkness hides the flaws
Societal reject
Cloaked in the black of the sky.
From the conformity of day,
Eyes opened wide to accept the glistening bits of stars.
Only a few get to see my naked soul
Covered by decorated flesh.
You will not know me.
I live in shadows
Clinging to sheltered places where light cannot reach.
My feelings are the darkness
My love is the darkness
My heart is nothing but darkness.
Close your eyes, dreamers,
Close your eyes and dream.
I will be out here
Reaching for the moon
Restoring the peace of midnight calm
Watching the planets turn
Through poet eyes.
A drag from my cigarette at dawn.
Exhale the poison like the sound of the wind
Open your eyes.
With the first light
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