Mary Hill and Bauke Kamstra

Mary Hill 



Wild Tree 


A tree in a place

where the wind ever blows

is a different kind of tree.


The tree never moves, it is moved

the wind never rests, or it ceases to be

so these two have a strange affinity.


The tree is wild in a wild place

solitary, but not savage

for the wind teaches many things.


The roots are mad to grip tight

leaves evolved to grip light

and wind takes a hand in its shaping.


The tree grows in mastery

nourished by scant truths

like a painter, or a poet.


The love of those two and the wildness

is a music of creaks and sighs

illuminated against moonlit skies.


A tree in a place

where the wind ever blows

is a different kind of tree.



Bauke Kamstra

Inspiration piece

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