Ray Sharp
Dancers, Buenos Aires
inspiration piece
Joanna Suzanne Lee
the third minute
this poem
is not about love.
it is
a waking from dreams
where i walked alone.
it is
the song we should’ve danced
that first night
when i tore my words
from your heart-
and you told me,
with your hands,
to leave.
this poem thinks
of your feelings, makes
no apologies.
it will not talk you down
from your lost ledges.
it is broken-toed
and steps awkwardly.
this poem
is about love.
the one you gave away
years ago
that left a hole
in the shape of my
it is
the song we would’ve danced
if you’d thought
you’d known my steps, if
i’d believed
in your rhythm.
this poem
is an end
written on the first day
of our fall’s beginning.
it is one-legged
and goes listlessly.
i make no
apologies for the bruises
left behind in its footsteps;
we both know there is
no tomorrow written
with the signature of regret.
NOTE: All of the art, writing, and music on this site belongs to the person who created it. Copying or republishing anything you see here without express and written permission from the author or artist is strictly prohibited.
One Comment
Powerful image met with an even more powerful response, Joanna’s words provide the feminine answer to the male dancer’s ill-timed ardor. Like a scene in a Marquez novel.