Jay Young Gerard and Lisa Nielsen

Jay Young Gerard
Tout ira bien (All will be well)

a diptych executed in oil, pastel, graphite

The fist of desire has long remained clenched
By Lisa Nielsen

Inspiration piece

Clouds, vociferous and boasting, truncate the sun, as usual, but
they are no match for the imprints of my dragging feet

On the shore, I expect memory to serve me, but
I am certain those memories will gut me

(I heard optimism is hidden in my entrails)

I bask in gloomy forecasts,
fraternize with demons disguised as shadows,
all the while pretending my petitions are better off sealed.  I know

there is no guarantee I will be loved,
even after my offering of molecules is well received
and taken in like the body of Christ, so

I set my heart to prayer, and wait for the buzzer to go off.  I squirm.
I am feeling too bitter to coincide with god today

There will always be that moment of doubt
that turns a mouthful of air into concrete and
that split second when I almost understood.


Note:  All of the art, writing, and music on this site belongs to the person who created it.  Copying or republishing anything you see here without express and writing permission fro the author or artist is strictly prohibited.


  1. Posted December 8, 2014 at 8:36 am | #

    Wow. Just wow. Thank you.

  2. Posted December 11, 2014 at 7:30 pm | #

    Again, I love the pairing of words and color, the mood evoked in the poem and the image.