Amy Souza and Kay Syrad

Amy Souza
“Stolen Moments”
Monoprint and ink on notebook paper

Afternoon Out
By Kay Syrad
Inspiration piece

I think nothing here, lying on the stones, listening to the water’s twillup on my left and its huhhuhwilla on my right,

and at one point, a singing starts up in my head, ‘I stole my mother’s…’, and this is after sitting beneath the defences,

the wind on my flesh, and walking back past a hedge of noisy birds and a secret message on the long fence:

O WPCA/PNSY/LB33/ AK/ Y / 25 x 50 which I find I can translate, later, as:

dress  sift  wind  of  I / sails  rise  must  love / I  trade  loss  over  fall/

I   you /ask  love’s  more  fail / fall  is  haven / this  this  all


Author’s note: “Afternoon Out” was was first published in The Needlewriters (Frogmore Press, 2015).

Note: All of the art, writing, and music on this site belongs to the person who created it. Copying or republishing anything you see here without express and written permission from the author or artist is strictly prohibited.