Darice Jones and Diane Mayr

Diane Mayr
Inspiration piece

The Water That’s Left
By Darice Jones

Killer in child’s pose with angel wings and belly tight with venom.

The rest of the world would still be green & healthy had you never descended from your icy northern home.

Your size is deceptive, your wings a ruse.

Here you are floating, as though all the other peoples of the world are for naught.

Using your whip to lash the life out of little brown children, fathers, and mothers worldwide – and still they dare to be – to rise.

You suck the seed from the soil with your puffy poised lips – in trade you offer the least lyrical words etched on trees you have beaten into a flat, lifeless pulp.

The only hell there ever was was yours imagined and spun out against the feeding breasts of a boiling Yemeya.

Her battle against your faux histories, men in robes, women hidden in plain site who protect your guns and polish your bullets and raise your children to be just like you – disguised as little angels. In truth, nothing of the kind.

Bathe in the waters of Yemeya’s plump daughters, be reborn without wings or arrogance. Begin again. ~



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One Comment

  1. Posted March 8, 2016 at 1:12 pm | #

    Ooo, an intriguing response!