MM Panas
Mixed media on paper
Inspiration piece
I Never Told Anyone
By JoAnn Moore
I once wept uncontrollably
…………after hitting a butterfly;
…………and like a cliché,
…………danced on your grave
…………when I heard you died.
…………(I removed the flowers
…………from that tree, too.)
That my first love
…………was words, and I love them
…………more than my children;
…………how I have failed—
…………repeatedly— at addiction;
…………I could kill
…………if I would be thin.
How I have grown
…………to hate little,
…………except snakes, the morning alarm,
…………winter cold, my childhood
…………mother, duty, my meanness
…………and those who sacrifice
…………a part of themselves for another.
How I prefer animals to people
…………and still,
…………I lied; said my Stella was sick—
…………to delay paying a bill—
…………and suddenly she was
…………dying with no amount able to save her.
Now love terrifies me
…………or that, actually,
I am unloveable.
How I remain
…………a multi-layered collage,
…………unsure of what lies beneath.
Note: All of the art, writing, and music on this site belongs to the person who created it. Copying or republishing anything you see here without express and written permission from the author or artist is strictly prohibited.