BR Belletryst
Inspiration piece
By Jozelle Dyer
While her father fished, and her mother labored over her famous sour cherry jam, Sherry was touching, with some reverence, the new tattoo on Jason’s right hip. He’d chosen the cherry blossoms—he said—because they reminded him of her; Sherry herself was just beginning to bloom. Sherry, whose hip was now graced with matching ink, felt a brief sweet moment of love for Jason. She’d always wanted to love like her parents, who’d said, “22 years of living in sin feels just about right.” As Sherry caressed his hip, Jason slipped his hand into his boxers and stroked, matching her rhythm. She replaced his hand with her own, and kissed him. For that brief sweet moment she felt love for him, and so she lay back on his dirty sheets and pulled him down to her.
When her mother discovered the tattoo, she understood that she’d lost a piece of her daughter, and she comforted herself with rows of shiny red jars of jam.
While Marvin—her father—fished, and Cherise—her mother labored over her famous sour cherry jam, Sherry was touching, with reverence, the new tattoo on Jason’s right hip. Sherry, whose hip was now graced with matching ink, felt a brief sweet moment of love for Jason. She had learned to love by watching her parents. That morning, her mother had said, “22 years of living in sin feels just about right.”
Yes, Cherise had taught her daughter to love and to make jam, 2 things—she said—that would bring Sherry happiness. 1. Bring the sugar and the pitted fruit to a boil. 2. Add the pectin. 3. Continue to cook until the jam is thick and viscous. 4.Fill your jars.
When Cherise saw the tattoo, she understood that she’d lost a piece of her daughter, but she comforted herself with shiny red rows of jam.
22 years of living in sin felt just about right. Cherise celebrated by sending Marvin off to fish while she labored over her famous sour cherry jam. Sherry—her usual kitchen helper—was somewhere with Jason. She felt the pang, and acknowledged that it was bittersweet. She’d taught her daughter to love.
Sherry was touching, with some reverence, the new tattoo on Jason’s right hip. Sherry, whose hip was now graced with matching ink, felt a brief sweet pang of love for Jason. She’d learned to love by watching her parents.
Yes, her mother had taught Sherry to love—she lay back on Jason’s dirty sheets and pulled him down to her—and to make jam: First, stir the sugar and the pitted fruit together and bring to a boil. Next, add the pectin. Continue to cook until the jam is thick and viscous. Finally, fill your jars.
When Cherise saw the tattoo, she understood that she’d lost a piece of her daughter, but she comforted herself with shiny red rows of jam.
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