Amy Souza
Digitally manipulated photograph
Inspiration piece
Home Away
By Caroline Evey
everything she thought she had was being taken.
it was not literal. her belongings were fine.
but what are belongings?
it was something more important that had gone..
something far more central to her.
so she had to leave.
it was back here she found herself,
quietly tracing her way down the shoreline.
she had been here so many times she was thankful:
for the salt in the air,
for the sand in her toes,
for the waves lapping up onto her feet.
she was thankful that in the moments she spent here,
all she had to do was be.
no talking, no questions, no complications…
and whenever her head wouldn’t leave her alone,
she just went and walked the shore
until she had walked past all of the questions,
skimmed over the plethora of possibilities,
and landed at what was important:
she is alive.
Note: All of the art, writing, and music on this site belongs to the person who created it. Copying or republishing anything you see here without express and written permission from the author or artist is strictly prohibited.
One Comment
Beautiful image! I love the layers of color. And the poem goes to such a natural place with it. Great work!