meet me at the window
by Caroline A. Evey
by Amanda Miska
Inspiration Piece
This is what we never set into motion:
Lunch that turned into dinner that turned into dusk that turned into rumpled covers and awkward smiles over morning coffee. You, bleary-eyed and bedheaded. Me, wearing your socks.
Eyes closed, record on, candle burning, wine poured. You’d sing along, and I’d hum, too shy to let you hear my voice, but wanting so badly to be your harmony. Our eyes meeting when the room goes quiet. Me, asking, “What now?” with a knowing smile. Your mouth, hard on mine, a new rhythm in my ears.
This is what we never set into motion:
Heavy silences. Mumbled apologies. Sad old love songs and inevitable tears. That final goodbye when you’re driving away and I’m standing there, freezing, but can’t go inside.
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