Jay Young Gerard
“Energy Diptych”
Black Energy
Black inhuman plumes of entropy ascend from bombed Iraq wells and exploded tanker cars in Quebec
Great black snake sways its many-eyed head as it tries to find a way south from boreal tar desolation past the Lakota drum-shields
Black coal soot coating the earth’s lungs paling to ghost-gray and pink coughing froth as all Beijing becomes a forbidden city
Capital intelligent black cancer swirling in the eyes of executives commands them to create Venus climate in the skies of Gaia
Blackness invisible in well-lit rooms and cubicles rises through the floors to form face-eating mirrors like liquid obsidian
Despair transmutes to viridian light in alembic hearts as voice-crowds face down the black uniforms of planetwide extinction
Energy of convection flows between black outer robe and white inner robe of a Bedu woman soaked in sun
Adam Cornford