Elizabeth Dougherty
“Time to Strike”
Ed Burns
By Amy Souza
Inspiration piece
Would you know him if
you passed on the sidewalk?
The way you can spot Quebecois
even before they speak—
their poise and couture their
shiny well-done hair
their straight-up posture
and pants hemmed to just
the right ankle height
And you—
schlumpy fleeced like a
farmer or a mechanic
studied by an actor
who must play a farmer
or a mechanic
despite his manicured
fingertips and pore-
free skin
He’ll thank
you from the podium
invite you to the set
drape an arm on
your shoulder
to smile wide for
a photo
And he’ll mean it the thanks
the kind words he speaks
will think of you fondly
for a minute over
cognac served poolside
in the Hollywood hills
where the stars shine
always night
and day.
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