Chandra Achberger
Calm Chaos
Chemigraph, 5×7 on 1970s Kodak Photo Paper
By Amy Moffitt
Inspiration piece
All I ever see these days is the dust
and the fur, and some strands of hair,
the household mementos of our shedding
and changing, and decaying
And all I ever do is try to address it,
the dirty dishes, the dirty laundry,
the cat shit, the ants in the hallway,
the shower mold and dropped food
and whatever else the cat has knocked over.
I look at my house and I see dirt
and dust and death and chaos
and my 44 years of beating back
against a force I’ll never defeat.
Today, our imagined dystopia is upon us
and I sit, sipping a peppery brew
that someone online said would help
writing a poem, for the first time in forever.
There is free jazz playing in the other room,
and my Frida Kahlo candle is lit.
The sky is seven shades of silver
and for the first time in a long while
I see it.
There are instruments I don’t play
and books I haven’t read
and stickers, and colored pencils
and paints, and this notebook
which I bought in Chicago
during a writers conference
eleven years ago.
It’s not my first time courting paradox,
But I can’t help but wonder
at the force of death
that is giving me life,
that has returned my crumbling house to me
as a home.
Note: All of the art, writing, and music on this site belongs to the person who created it. Copying or republishing anything you see here without express and written permission from the author or artist is strictly prohibited.
©2020 Amy Moffitt – All rights reserved
©2020 Chandra Achberger – All rights reserved
One Comment
Good to be alive again!