Leslie Grollman
“A Creation Myth”
Inspiration piece
Creation of the Myth
By Donna JT Smith
There was this extreme “kaboom!”
like when a tree falls in the woods only hundreds of times quieter because
even more people weren’t there
to hear it than there would be for the tree.
And a whole very large nothing sprung a hole through which
great somethings and sparkly bits spewed:
vomitous milky ways
and chunky earthy things that stuck on,
and grew into cows ‘n’ mountains,
and other nouns we’d eventually enjoy –
though hornets ‘n’ lava not so much –
when we morphed from monkeys
and got even better thumbs.
That’s the way creaturing and featuring began.
We won’t be keeping all this though, kid – too much upkeep.
“Home for Sale –
perfect distance from the sun –
great views –
needs work –
sold as is”
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