Gary Hewitt and Jonathan Ottke
Jonathan Ottke “Two Stars have a conversation” Inspiration piece Orion’s Boote By Gary Hewitt Response “I am the brightest.” Alnilam raised a nebulous eye at the unwarranted disturbance. Who the hell invited …
Jonathan Ottke “Two Stars have a conversation” Inspiration piece Orion’s Boote By Gary Hewitt Response “I am the brightest.” Alnilam raised a nebulous eye at the unwarranted disturbance. Who the hell invited …
Lisa Kilhefner Inspiration piece Friend By Gary Hewitt Response Shoes are never the best of pillows. Graham straightens and rubs the back of his neck. His head throbs from dehydration. …
JIM TRETICK Inspiration Golden Paradise by Gary Hewitt Response I’ve never come across a ghost ship before, let alone two. We stand and listen. There is no sound except …
Cat Ross Inspiration piece Gary Hewitt Response piece Journey’s end I see tone of ethereal bells, Dangling beneath Jagged Rawkie, Who sings tune of golden thunder, I float away on legs electric, Holding on …
Author: kingsraconteur