Author: rays

Ray Sharp and Jennifer Fendya

Ray Sharp and Jennifer Fendya

Jennifer Fendya Inspiration piece Aurora By Ray Sharp Response You trudge through the coldest hour in that nightly red-brick canyon where fears and worries are warehoused behind arrays of blank-faced windows until the sudden …


Jennifer Fendya and Ray Sharp

Jennifer Fendya and Ray Sharp

Jennifer Fendya Response The Old Gods By Ray Sharp Inspiration piece The old gods speak through the crow in the tree, the tongue of the flame, the wind that stirs the ashes, but I …


Ray Sharp and Elizabeth Burke

Ray Sharp and Elizabeth Burke

Elizabeth Burke Inspiration piece A Lamp Unto the World By Ray Sharp Response Each of us, in their own way, is called to heal the world, to gather up the light scattered in …


Elizabeth Burke and Ray Sharp

Elizabeth Burke and Ray Sharp

Elizabeth Burke Response The Old Gods By Ray Sharp Inspiration piece The old gods spoke through the crows in the trees, the tongue of the flame, the wind that stirred the ashes, but I …


Rusty Lynn and Ray Sharp

Rusty Lynn and Ray Sharp

Love’s Journey Takes Me Thru a Dark Forest, Painting by Rusty Lynn Response   Barn Dance, Poem by Ray Sharp Inspiration Piece You told me Rilke described love as a winding path through …


Ray Sharp and Rusty Lynn

Ray Sharp and Rusty Lynn

High Tech Head, Painting by Rusty Lynn Inspiration Piece   Xavi at the Mall, Flash Fiction by Ray Sharp Response Xavi 248.655.ESP was seeing two Annas, Anna 176.323.RUS and Anna …


Ray Sharp and Jennifer Fendya

Ray Sharp and Jennifer Fendya

Ray Sharp “Curtsy” Mixed media Response I’ve Been Clearing Clutter By Jennifer Fendya Inspiration piece I’ve been clearing clutter from my house. How did it get in?  Did I carry these objects up the …


Jennifer Fendya and Ray Sharp

Jennifer Fendya and Ray Sharp

Jennifer Fendya Response Poets Without Windows By Ray Sharp Inspiration piece I don’t think poets do well without windows, She said from her desk, watching the world go by. Here I am, on the …


Ray Sharp and Jennifer Fendya

Ray Sharp and Jennifer Fendya

Jennifer Fendya Inspiration piece left out By Ray Sharp Response little monster left me here again slumped in my wheelchair when she stepped into the gawping mouth of the big yellow noisy here on the …