Angi Lewis and Donna JT Smith
Donna JT Smith “Thoughtful Bunny” Inspiration piece Waiting By Angi Lewis Response Out the window all is white. I miss the light in spring the spread of green. dear Rabbit, teach me to sit and listen for …
Donna JT Smith “Thoughtful Bunny” Inspiration piece Waiting By Angi Lewis Response Out the window all is white. I miss the light in spring the spread of green. dear Rabbit, teach me to sit and listen for …
Leslie Grollman “A Creation Myth” Inspiration piece Creation of the Myth By Donna JT Smith Response There was this extreme “kaboom!” like when a tree falls in the woods only hundreds of …
Donna JT Smith “Winter at the Lake” Watercolor Response Winter Memory By Angi Lewis Inspiration piece I am young, maybe eight- my brother and I walk to the lake alone. I put on my skates draw …
Karen Schmitz “Simplicity” Inspiration piece The Legacy By Donna JT Smith Response Any fabric she embraced Succumbed to her control; Every needle with her touch Realized their starring role. Thistledown would fill the air Late-summer on …
Susan B. Collage Inspiration piece Pressed for Time By Donna JT Smith Response Near the end of the book A blossom Waiting Between words and time Has petals Fading. A time marker now that’s Patiently Sleeping, Dreaming of dancing, its Limbs …
Donna JT Smith Hearts Never Part Response A Whole Is Worth More Than Its Parts By Amy Souza Inspiration piece A stranger on the lawn Wears pandemic gloves to Pick through my mother’s …
Jennifer Fendya Inspiration piece Up on the Roof By Donna JT Smith Response I danced on the rooftop One day in the sun, Until a plane came And ended my fun; Then poof went …
Donna JT Smith “I Know About Bunnies” Watercolor pencils Response Unanticipated Relations With Hidden Vulnerabilities By Jennifer Fendya Inspiration piece Plunging my protected, garden- gloved hand into a mound of leaves leftover from the …
Alyscia Cunningham Inspiration piece I Wear My Heart on My Sleeve By Donna JT Smith Response Some say I should keep My feelings inside; I should be discreet, My feelings denied, Not boldly shown So …
Donna JT Smith Response Journey To Iceland By Alyscia Cunningham Inspiration piece Abela slowly open her eyes to a sky view of beautifully colored dancing clouds. Or so it seemed. …
Donna JT Smith “Bahadur, the Servant Boy” Response Urmilla Khanna Pankha-wala Inspiration piece Whereas the world is engrossed in Hitler and Churchill and Roosevelt and the Second World War, Mother wakes …
Alisa Laska “Moment of Zen or His and Hers” Inspiration piece Percolated Date By Donna JT Smith Response When we first met Routine was set Our late night splurging For pocket purging Drive into town, Was …
Tisha Carter Inspiration Piece Beach Girl by Donna JT Smith Response ocean giggles as she wiggles gnarled stick at waves that lick her toes, and splash her words, and crash so near can’t hear she blows a kiss I …
Author: Donna Smith