Author: amymoffitt42

Amy Moffitt writes because she can’t draw and sings because speaking doesn’t get anywhere close to what she wants to say. She works for the gubmint and is slowly completing a Masters of Divinity at Wesley Theological Seminary. She lives in Takoma Park, MD with two cats and all of the plants she can grow on her balcony.

Amy Moffitt and Betty Nichols

Amy Moffitt and Betty Nichols

Betty Nichols Inspiration piece Old Dominion Drive By Amy Moffitt Response The last time I drove this road, I was singing at the top of my lungs to the full moon, Singing …


Amy Moffitt and Chandra Achberger

Amy Moffitt and Chandra Achberger

Chandra Achberger Inspiration piece Never By Amy Moffitt Response You may forget me, (you have, in so many ways and so many times forgotten me so completely) but I will never forget you…   kneeling in …


Amy Moffitt and Lisa Pimental

Amy Moffitt and Lisa Pimental

Lisa Pimental “345” Inspiration piece Why You Should Drift By Amy Moffitt Response Look. The lemon-yellow butterfly has fluttered by and gently returned and dipped its head deep into the morning glory blossom again, and again.   Listen. The bird …


Amy Moffitt and Hannah Greenberg

Amy Moffitt and Hannah Greenberg

Inspiration Piece (song): Freedom – by Amy Moffitt   Natural Death © KJ Hannah Greenberg Response Leaves, such brightly-colored textiles, Patched together like other final gifts, A shroud of fallen moments, times gone, Rest …


Amy Moffitt and John Isaacson

Amy Moffitt and John Isaacson

John Isaacson Inspiration piece Translation By Amy Moffitt Response The wall between us is thick enough to feel. When I speak, I see the words bounce off of it and fly away. If we …


Amy Moffitt and Jenny Mathews

Amy Moffitt and Jenny Mathews

  Jenny Mathews Untitled – pen and ink Inspiration piece   Everything matters Amy Moffitt Response piece   I live in a house that my hands didn’t build and I walk down sidewalks that I …


Amy Moffitt and Charisse Cecil

Amy Moffitt and Charisse Cecil

Charisse Cecil Inspiration piece   Amy Moffitt Response Choose (for Charisse) Every day is a decision. Tonight, the crickets sing in the bushes, and I choose to remember you: dreadlocks flowing and bright face, smile beaming …


Amy Moffitt and Annie Welch

Amy Moffitt and Annie Welch

Annie Welch “Girl in a Box” Inspiration Piece _____________________ _____________________ What You Cannot Change Is A Cage With No Key Amy Moffitt Response Piece _____________________ At night, laying in her bed she watches the shadows …