Amy Moffitt and Betty Nichols
Betty Nichols Inspiration piece Old Dominion Drive By Amy Moffitt Response The last time I drove this road, I was singing at the top of my lungs to the full moon, Singing …
Betty Nichols Inspiration piece Old Dominion Drive By Amy Moffitt Response The last time I drove this road, I was singing at the top of my lungs to the full moon, Singing …
Chandra Achberger Inspiration piece Never By Amy Moffitt Response You may forget me, (you have, in so many ways and so many times forgotten me so completely) but I will never forget you… kneeling in …
Lisa Pimental “345” Inspiration piece Why You Should Drift By Amy Moffitt Response Look. The lemon-yellow butterfly has fluttered by and gently returned and dipped its head deep into the morning glory blossom again, and again. Listen. The bird …
Inspiration Piece (song): Freedom – by Amy Moffitt Natural Death © KJ Hannah Greenberg Response Leaves, such brightly-colored textiles, Patched together like other final gifts, A shroud of fallen moments, times gone, Rest …
John Isaacson Inspiration piece Translation By Amy Moffitt Response The wall between us is thick enough to feel. When I speak, I see the words bounce off of it and fly away. If we …
Jenny Mathews Untitled – pen and ink Inspiration piece Everything matters Amy Moffitt Response piece I live in a house that my hands didn’t build and I walk down sidewalks that I …
Charisse Cecil Inspiration piece Amy Moffitt Response Choose (for Charisse) Every day is a decision. Tonight, the crickets sing in the bushes, and I choose to remember you: dreadlocks flowing and bright face, smile beaming …
Annie Welch “Girl in a Box” Inspiration Piece _____________________ _____________________ What You Cannot Change Is A Cage With No Key Amy Moffitt Response Piece _____________________ At night, laying in her bed she watches the shadows …
Author: amymoffitt42