Monthly Archives: February 2011

Jane Hulstrunk and Adam Gagnon

Jane Hulstrunk and Adam Gagnon

Jane Hulstrunk – response Adam Gagnon – Inspiration Piece We Guessed There have been many roads to follow And people have been taking them all Trying to find their way …


Adam Gagnon and Jane Hulstrunk

Adam Gagnon and Jane Hulstrunk

Barred Owl Jane Hulstrunk – inspiration piece Adam Gagnon – response They had a beautiful wedding in January Idyllic days filled that winter And the following spring But as soon as …


Jane Hulstrunk and Kathleen Finn Jordan

Jane Hulstrunk and Kathleen Finn Jordan

Sunset over Lake Champlain – response Jane Hulstrunk Yet Another Sunset – inspiration piece By Kathleen Finn Jordan This sunset embraces the lonely sea A little longer Seems its departure is …


Annmarie Lockhart and Bridget Fahey O’Brien

Annmarie Lockhart and Bridget Fahey O’Brien

Bridget Fahey O’Brien Bueno Inspiration Piece y Bueno By Annmarie Lockhart Response . Do you believe in heaven? she asked me. No, I answered, no hesitation. Of course that was before I came here and …


Bridget Fahey O’Brien and Annmarie Lockhart

Bridget Fahey O’Brien and Annmarie Lockhart

Bridget Fahey O’Brien The Port Authority Response I Was Going Someplace By Annmarie Lockhart Inspiration Piece . tracking, like the railroad, like the line of sight, like the course of action . expected and predictable . the only surprises being …


Kathleen Finn Jordan and Jane Hulstrunk

Kathleen Finn Jordan and Jane Hulstrunk

Jane Hulstrunk Photograph of  Barred Owl Response Barred Owl in Winter – Kathleen Finn Jordan Nocturnal Bird you watch from perch Piercing eye, alert and strong Streaked in white like snow …


Lisa Nielsen and
Kaylee Savage-Wright

Lisa Nielsen and
Kaylee Savage-Wright

Kaylee Savage-Wright Inspiration Piece Falsifying the Inevitable By Lisa Nielsen Inspiration piece Layers of heartache had left me invisible so I ripped myself open like a superman suit. And, despite the miles …


Tom Gamble and Amy Alley

Tom Gamble and Amy Alley

Amy Alley Realm Inspiration piece Tom Gamble Response Soft, loamy soil underfoot.  A dark, starless sky above, dusky though, like a stretch of rich cloth, heavy and thick lording over …


Michelle Wallace and Dana Gray

Michelle Wallace and Dana Gray

Michelle Wallace Response piece “Together” Love is a swirling mass of colors, Bliss sweeping us into the clouds The world disappears as I look in your eyes We forge ahead, day …


Anne Welch and Lauren B. Flax

Anne Welch and Lauren B. Flax

Ramshackle Lauren B. Flax Inspiration piece Ramshackle Shimmy (a monotetra) By Anne Welch Response Slipping hips into belts slung low laced with language ready to flow in secret places that move slow enjoy …


Amaryllis Holloway and Lauren Flax

Amaryllis Holloway and Lauren Flax

Those eyes brilliant colors painted on the back of a butterfly


Amy Souza and Denise Marois

Amy Souza and Denise Marois

Amy Souza Digitally manipulated photograph of original artwork (marker, acrylic, and collage on paper) Response The Goat Club By Denise Marois Inspiration piece Desiree bends over a copy of a 1926 National Geographic …


Amy Souza and
Caroline Evey

Amy Souza and
Caroline Evey

Amy Souza On the other side of the world from where you are Marker, charcoal, graphite, acrylic, and collage on paper Response By Caroline Evey Inspiration piece when i feel lost, …


Ana Gonçalves and Lisa Biggar

Ana Gonçalves and Lisa Biggar

Inside Life, Tammy Ana Gonçalves Response Tammy Lisa Biggar Inspiration Piece My cousin and I would make smores and tell ghost stories in our tent, drifting off to sleep with the ground …


Val Bonney and Alisa Bliss

Val Bonney and Alisa Bliss

January 2010  Jekyll Island Alisa Bliss Inspiration Piece   Shallow Roots Val Bonney Response She had always come to this tree as a little girl.  Lonely on the island, having neither sibling …


Val Bonney and Maureen O’Donnell

Val Bonney and Maureen O’Donnell

Butterfly Dreams Val Bonney Response Snatching Butterflies Maureen O’Donnell Inspiration Piece On the corner of Seventh and Baker Streets, a telephone jangled and jingled. This was not an unusual thing, because, …


Lisa Lipkind Leibow and Sukia

Lisa Lipkind Leibow and Sukia

Sukia Sikorski Twin Souls Tempera Inspiration piece The Instant By Lisa Lipkind Leibow Response The morning after sixth grade graduation, I struggled to …


Amy Alley and Tom Gamble

Amy Alley and Tom Gamble

Inspiration Piece: Tom Gamble, author The eyes are the first thing he notices. Every time, without fail, it’s the eyes. Over the years he’s tried to …


Greg Adkins and Nick Winkworth

Greg Adkins and Nick Winkworth

My Friend Across The Street Nick Winkworth Response Greg Adkins Inspiration Piece It was 11:45 when the sky burned. Well, I should clarify.. 11:45pm. But you couldn’t tell at that moment. …


Maureen O’Donnell and Val Bonney

Maureen O’Donnell and Val Bonney

Val Bonney, “Neural Pathways.” Inspiration Piece Maureen O’Donnell, “The List.“ Response Even in her twenties she used to stand in front of the mirror and pluck out grey hairs. …


Nick W and Greg A

Nick W and Greg A

Inspiration Piece Nick Winkworth “The Selection” Greg Adkins Response Piece She had known about the Age of Selection since she was but a child. Now it was her 15th birthday …


KJ Hannah Greenberg and David Truman

KJ Hannah Greenberg and David Truman

David Truman Ties That Bind Inspiration Piece Encircling as Wrapping: Misread Six Autistic Rotating among Angels KJ Hannah Greenberg Response Piece I spin, (six) propeller arms on the playground, Encircling again to …


Sukia and Adam Cornford

Sukia and Adam Cornford

Sukia Response   TO SEE THE BLACK ANGEL at the time of the war in Gaza, 2008-9 Adam Cornford Inspiration To see the Black Angel not descending from heaven but risen still incandescent out of …


Elizabeth Stelling and Marybeth Carshaw

Elizabeth Stelling and Marybeth Carshaw

Marybeth Carshaw- Healing Angel Inspiration Piece The Last Wish I Made Before Midnight by Elizabeth Stelling Response A latent snow flake began to sparkle on my window sill. March’s rushing …


Sukia and Lisa Lipkind Leibow

Sukia and Lisa Lipkind Leibow

Sukia Response ETERNITY AT THE DRIVE-IN abridged novel excerpt, DOUBLE OUT AND BACK by Lisa Lipkind Leibow Amelia Schwartz’s sister Judith arrived for a special night out – just the …