Author: Amy Souza

Angi Lewis and Amy Souza

Angi Lewis and Amy Souza

Amy Souza Inspiration piece Sky Lines By Angi Lewis Response 1. I sometimes imagine the birds leaving tracks in the sky, a network of crisscrossed lines marking their flight through such a vast, blank space. 2. In the …


Rachel Lahn and Stefanie A. Shilling

Rachel Lahn and Stefanie A. Shilling

Rachel Lahn Mixed media with beach glass on wood Response In Her Head By Stefanie A. Shilling Inspiration piece on the back wall between her left ear and her right ear she positioned …


KJ Hannah Greenberg
and Jonathan Ottke

KJ Hannah Greenberg
and Jonathan Ottke

Jonathan Ottke Inspiration piece Acorns’ Circumflexes By KJ Hannah Greenberg Response Nature’s diacritics often are expressed using fallen leaves, scattered seeds, Detritus that was once proximate, sloughed bark. Heed these prominences! Inter …


Julie Christensen and
Kathleen Finn Jordan

Julie Christensen and
Kathleen Finn Jordan

Julie Christensen Response Haunting Landscape By Kathleen Finn Jordan Inspiration piece Laid out, sprawling and dotted, once choked with trees The spits left after the logging …..punctuate the melancholic presence with …


Betty Nichols and Amy Moffitt

Betty Nichols and Amy Moffitt

Betty Nichols Response Middle By Amy Moffitt Inspiration piece They don’t mention the lists… the fluttering, cluttering memorials to obligations and dreams, the false hope of control… they don’t say you’ll be chasing and …


Eve Hyde and Amy Souza

Eve Hyde and Amy Souza

Eve Hyde Response Time and Its Kin By Amy Souza Inspiration piece High noon, no shadow: How you know when a duel begins A street lamp at midnight: How you know …


Dale Leffler and Jonathan Ottke

Dale Leffler and Jonathan Ottke

Jonathan Ottke “Matteo” Inspiration piece Mateo Muchacho Words By Dale Leffler Response He waits for you like a lover attentively sad on the couch. His eyes convey his longing, loneliness, as his shoulders slouch. Never …


Marcela Kogan and Jennifer Fendya

Marcela Kogan and Jennifer Fendya

Jennifer Fendya Inspiration piece Footsteps By Marcela Kogan Response I spend most of my days alone peering out people’s legs from the wrought-iron window of my daylight basement room.  The …


Amy Souza and Cristal Brawley

Amy Souza and Cristal Brawley

Amy Souza Response Listed Sh*t By Cristal Brawley Inspiration piece A few months ago, I wrote down all the things that are wrong with me. The notion came after a particularly …


Cristal Brawley and Amy Souza

Cristal Brawley and Amy Souza

Cristal Brawley Response Home Not Home By Amy Souza Inspiration piece A childhood surrounded by water Mayflower offspring, Azorean pioneers I didn’t belong (or did I?) to the city Of cobblestone streets with Widow’s …


Marisa Bevington and
Kathleen Finn Jordan

Marisa Bevington and
Kathleen Finn Jordan

Marisa Bevington Response Breeze By Kathleen Finn Jordan Inspiration piece The Breeze like tiny wings lifts wisps of hair on end and Sips the heat from sun screened arms As the sea breathes …


Jewel Beth Davis
and KJ Hannah Greenberg

Jewel Beth Davis
and KJ Hannah Greenberg

KJ Hannah Greenberg Inspiration piece Colored Arrows By Jewel Beth Davis Response The archers lined up with their bows, their faces grim. The arrows flew through the air with feathers comprised …


KJ Hannah Greenberg
and Jewel Beth Davis

KJ Hannah Greenberg
and Jewel Beth Davis

KJ Hannah Greenberg Response My Small Skinny Self By Jewel Beth Davis Inspiration piece A film-like scene plays in my mind repeatedly. I see my mother as she was then …


Jennifer Fendya and
Kathleen Finn Jordan

Jennifer Fendya and
Kathleen Finn Jordan

Jennifer Fendya Response Olympic Skate By Kathleen Finn Jordan Inspiration piece Slide, glide, Twist and leap Ice crunches bends are deep Stepping free and music sings Skaters fly on cashmere wings Silken costumes sharp …


Amy Rogers Nazarov and Angi Lewis

Amy Rogers Nazarov and Angi Lewis

“Laundry Song in G” By Amy Rogers Nazarov Response Capo 4, C position Verse 1 C G D G That bulb burned out last winter C G D The dust is piled high C …


Angi Lewis and Amy Rogers Nazarov

Angi Lewis and Amy Rogers Nazarov

“Tower of London” (Click link for YouTube) Music by Amy Rogers Nazarov Inspiration piece Life and Art By Angi Lewis Response First, there’s this: a journey, a setting out Then the rhythm of walking Then some …


Ash Martins and Betty Nichols

Ash Martins and Betty Nichols

Betty Nichols Inspiration piece Vilomah By Ash Martins Response Aila knelt, weeping with the ancient willow tree. Her hands clawed at the musty soil. Gingerly, she lowered the tiny form, …


Jennifer Fendya and
Jewel Beth Davis

Jennifer Fendya and
Jewel Beth Davis

Jennifer Fendya Response AC Is Too Expensive By Jewel Beth Davis Inspiration piece I was sitting alone in the hospital ward with my Aunt Pauline. I say alone because Pauline …


Betty Nichols and Ash Martins

Betty Nichols and Ash Martins

Betty Nichols Response Shipwrecked Spaghetti By Ash Martins Inspiration piece What I wouldn’t give for one last family dinner with mom’s homemade spaghetti sauce and meatballs Garlic bread toasted just right Chilled …


Jewel Beth Davis
and Jennifer Fendya

Jewel Beth Davis
and Jennifer Fendya

Jennifer Fendya Inspiration piece Mystery of the Peregrine Falcon By Jewel Beth Davis Response A dead bird lay in my path as I stepped out onto my wood planked porch. …


Dale Leffler Sharon A. Murphy

Dale Leffler Sharon A. Murphy

Sharon A. Murphy Inspiration piece Untitled By Dale Leffler Response She, half Madonna Negro, half Tara Buddha beauty personified in peaceful repose. Upon her head crown of flowers yellow and red though her golden eyes were closed all worldly compassion arose From below her center throat inscription read …


Missy Lambert and Juleen Johnson

Missy Lambert and Juleen Johnson

Juleen Johnson Inspiration piece This Old Bird Writes Something By Missy Lambert Response It’s not easy to write when I feel like an old bird that has to dip its …


Juleen Johnson and Missy Lambert

Juleen Johnson and Missy Lambert

Juleen Johnson Response Ragged Heart Song By Missy Lambert Inspiration piece Can’t see where you are now nothing familiar, lost in your own house. Your grip is slipping, no foothold to be …


Amy Souza and Cristal Brawley

Amy Souza and Cristal Brawley

Cristal Brawley Inspiration piece How the Heart Works By Amy Souza Response You hear tapping on hardwood like the dog still exists. Wind shattered the night – rumbled windows, swung porch …


Cristal Brawley and Amy Souza

Cristal Brawley and Amy Souza

Cristal Brawley Response Tourist Town By Amy Souza Inspiration piece They haven’t solved the murder, Judy tells me. No one knows what happened but they assume the boy rode out …