Tag: sparkjr

Elizabeth Crawford and
Isabella Nazari

Elizabeth Crawford and
Isabella Nazari

Isabella Nazari Inspiration piece Franny the Flamingo By Elizabeth Crawford Response Franny the Flamingo was quite the explorer. She loved boats and the ocean. Franny lived in Cancun, a place …


Sophia Carter-Peters and
Cynthia Nazari

Sophia Carter-Peters and
Cynthia Nazari

Cynthia Nazari Inspiration piece The Cat’s Meow By Sophia Carter-Peters Response “Order Up!!” Janice yells, her groovy-shoed feet never resting as she whizzes back and forth along the chrome bar. She …


Georgia Ludwig VanDerwater
and Isabella Nazari

Georgia Ludwig VanDerwater
and Isabella Nazari

Isabella Nazari “Grandma Fish” Inspiration piece Grandmother Fish By Georgia VanDerwater Response There once was a grandmother fish Who had pearls and was very stylish. She wore a pink dress Made of satin, no …


Isabella Nazari and
Georgia Ludwig VanDerwater

Isabella Nazari and
Georgia Ludwig VanDerwater

Isabella Nazari “Glimpse” Response Glimpse By Georgia Ludwig VanDerwater Inspiration piece . I caught a glimpse of a gnome in the pansies Just a glimpse but I saw it quite clear. He appeared to …